Periphery III Guitar and Bass Tones #fractal #helix #quadcortex #parallax #darkglass
2 months agoThese tones are available for the Fractal, Helix, Quad Cortex, Parallax and Darkglass platforms! You can get these tones from our websit...
Periphery V Guitar and Bass Tones #fractal #helix #quadcortex #parallax
4 months agoThese tones are available for the Fractal, Helix, Quad Cortex and Parallax platforms! You can get these tones from our website: https://...
Vildhjarta - Dagger (Rhythm & Ambient Tones)
6 years agoThese tones are available for the Fractal, Helix, Pod HD & Pod Farm! You can get these tones from my website:
Periphery - Have A Blast (Rhythm & Ambient Tones)
7 years agoThese tones are available for the Axe FX, Helix & Pod HD ! You can get these tones from my website:
Northlane - Heartmachine (Rhythm & Lead Tones)
7 years agoThese tones are available for the Axe FX, Helix & Pod HD ! You can get these tones from my website:
Northlane - Intuition (Rhythm & Ambient Tones)
7 years agoThese tones are available for the Axe FX, Helix & Pod HD ! You can get these tones from my website:
Periphery - Facepalm Mute (Rhythm & Lead Tones)
7 years agoThese tones are available for the Axe FX, Helix & Pod HD ! You can get these tones from my website:
Northlane - Quantum Flux - Instrumental Guitar Cover - Pod HD
7 years agoTones by SB Soundlab: Northlane - Singularity - Quantum Flux Tuning: Drop ...
Erra - Skyline (Rhythm & Lead Tones)
7 years agoThese tones are available for the Pod HD, Helix & Axe FX! You can get these tones from my website:
Silent Planet - Panic Room
7 years agoThese tones are available for the Pod HD, Helix & Axe FX! You can get these tones from my website:
Reflections - Shadow Self (Guitar Cover)
7 years agoThis tone is available for the Pod HD, Helix & Axe FX! You can get this tone from my website:
Reflections - Autumnus (Clean Intro)
7 years agoThese tones are available for the Pod HD, Helix & Axe FX! You can get these tones from my website:
Chelsea Grin - Angels Shall Sin, Demons Shall Pray Guitar Cover - Pod HD
7 years agoTone by SB Soundlab: Chelsea Grin - Ashes To As...
Periphery - The Bad Thing
7 years agoThis tone is available for the Pod HD, Helix & Axe FX! You can get it here: (No ...
Periphery - Pale Aura
7 years agoThis tone is available for the Pod HD, Helix & Axe FX! You can get it here: (No ...
Periphery - Summer Jam
7 years agoThis tone is available for the Pod HD, Helix & Axe FX! You can get it here: (No ...
Periphery - Marigold
7 years agoThis tone is available for the Pod HD, Helix & Axe FX! You can get this preset from my website:
Tesseract - Dystopia (Guitar Tone) - Pod HD
8 years agoJust a small preview of my Tesseract Rhythm Tone! You can get this patch from my website:
Tesseract - Utopia (Bass Tone) - Pod HD
8 years agoHere is Jose covering the Utopia from Tesseract using my patches! You can get this preset from my website:
Intervals - Automaton (Guitar cover) - POD HD
9 years agoSpecial thanks to Yang from Inlayer for doing the solo on this one, and to George from SB Soundlab for the tones! You can get both rhyth...
Periphery - Facepalm Mute (Guitar Tone) - Pod HD
8 years agoJust a small preview of my Periphery II Rhythm Tone! You can get this patch from my website:
Periphery - The Price Is Wrong (Bass Tone) - Pod HD
8 years agoHey guys! Here is my dude Jose covering the Absolomb from Periphery using my patch! You can get this preset from my website: https://www...
Architects - Dead Man Talking (7string guitar cover) - Pod HD
9 years agoGuitar cover of Dead Man Talking off of Architects' latest album! You can get this patch from my website:
Ghost Iris - Dreamless State (FREE DOWNLOAD POD HD PRESET)
8 years agoHello guys, I decided to give for free my Ghost Iris tone! You can get the patch from my website:
Deftones - Rocket Skates (Guitar Tone) - Pod HD
8 years agoJust a small preview of my Deftones Rhythm Tone! You can get this patch from my website:
Whitechapel - The Saw Is The Law (Guitar Cover) - Pod HD
8 years agoGuitar cover of the F tuning version of "The Saw Is The Law" You can get this patch from my website:
Architects - A Match Made in Heaven - 7string Guitar Cover - Pod HD
9 years agoAnother huge song by Architects! You can get this patch from my website: I know ...
Northlane - Obelisk (Guitar Cover) - Pod HD
10 years agoHey guys, I decided to do a cover of Northlane's new song! I loved it! I hope you will enjoy it too! You can get this patch along with ma...